Bouquet Vase (White)

Bouquet Vase (White)


Bouquet Vase (White)

The Bouquet Vase is a beautiful bouquet of flowers within another bouquet.

Flowers are ceremonial and celebratory - they come and go. The vase on the other hand always remains. The idea behind this product was to create a vase that did not necessarily need flowers - it stands tall and beautiful on its own, as a poetic dialog between the temporary and the permanent.

The production process for this vase often reveals layers of surprises. It changes its posture, temperament, and surface layer by layer, until a seemingly accidental but reproducible result occurs.

Ceramics can also express the softness of embrace. Like shiny paper, there are folds, flows, and marks of folding and fitting. The delicate and irregular surface and various uncertain capture frames determine the charm of the bouquet. The thin and light texture appears, as if with a crisp sound.

Dimensions: L16 x D16 x H28 cm


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Availability: Ships within 1 Week
More Information
Place of OriginGreater China
Primary MaterialCeramics
Primary ColorWhite
DimensionsL16 x D16 x H28 cm
Product CategoriesDecor / Vases & Baskets / Inspiration / Monochromatic / Gifting / Housewarming / Gifts under US$100 / Social & Dinner Parties / Wedding & Anniversary / Buy At Retail
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